A recent study has pointed out that children with chronic conditions are many a time at the receiving end of home medication mistakes.

Researchers, led by Kathleen E. Walsh, MD, MSc, conducted home visits to determine how often parents make mistakes in administering medications and what types of problems occur.
"Giving these medicines in exactly the right way is vital and sometimes lifesaving for children with chronic conditions," said Dr. Walsh, assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Researchers visited the homes of 83 children ages 6 months to 20 years with cancer, sickle cell disease and epilepsy. They reviewed 544 medications and observed the administration of 166 drugs. Two physicians reviewed potential errors and determined whether a mistake had occurred and its severity.
Medication was administered most often by mothers (79 percent of the time), followed by other guardians (14 percent) and fathers (7 percent).
Although parents and guardians were well-educated (37 percent had a bachelor's degree and 12 percent had advanced degrees), medication errors were common.
Researchers found 128 medication errors, including 73 with potential to injure the child and 10 errors that actually caused injury. Examples of errors included chemotherapy labels with incorrect dosing instructions (e.g., label said to give six tablets once a day when the child was supposed to take seven tablets once a week) and significant under doses of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.