Young and middle-aged women who consume more alcohol are a lot more susceptible to the side-affects of alcohol because they are smaller in size.

Crosbie said, “The number of females now binge drinking is the same as males in college, students and even younger, school-going children. Females are a lot more susceptible to the affects of alcohol, because they are smaller, they can’t dilute it as well. We are going to see liver disease presenting in females at a much younger age and after less intake.”
Research shows about 80 percent of Irish women consume alcohol, and more than half of those are harmful drinkers.
Girls, Women and Alcohol: The Changing Nature of Female Alcohol Consumption in Ireland, an event part of Alcohol Action Week, highlights the influences of Irish drinking culture among Irish women, health risks involved, the need to bring positive change to current situation.
The event organized by Alcohol Forum, takes place in Dublin, Ireland on 21 April to raise the awareness of the need to reduce alcohol consumption.