This woman from Australia claims she can eat 51 bananas in a day and as part of her raw vegan diet she consumes only fruits and vegetables.

According to her, she was able to get rid of serious acne problems through her diet. She claims that her digestion process also improved a lot.
Freelee says she usually starts her day with around 30 dates blended with water and a little cinnamon. She calls this special concoction Datorade.
Her menu for lunch comprises 8 to 10 mangoes or maybe even 3 whole pineapples. For dinner, it’s a baby green salad with 5 chopped up bananas, 5 dates with liquified banana and date dressing on top.
This way, she consumes between 2,000 and 5,000 calories a day. There is no restriction on intake of calorie and those who wish to follow her diet plan are advised to eat unlimited raw fruits and greens, bananas and dates. Store-bought juice, coconut sugar and stevia drops are also allowed.
“This diet contains no animal products … it is a super low-fat, high-carb diet that delivers super energy and vibrancy,” she quotes on her website.
Freelee favours a diet that comprises 90 per cent carbs, 5 per cent protein and 5 per cent fruit.