Hangover-free synthetic alcohol Alcosynth which gets you tipsy but not drunk could have seismic effects on public health.

‘Alcosynth is a derivative of benzodiazepine - commonly used to treat anxiety disorder - but does not cause withdrawal symptoms.’

But the product is being blocked by "morality police" using heavy-handed EU and government regulations, says the Adam Smith Institute. 

'Alcosynth' has been developed by Professor David Nutt, who was sacked as the UK drug tsar for his comments about the drug ecstasy. The drink is a derivative of benzodiazepine - commonly used to treat anxiety disorder - but does not cause withdrawal symptoms.
. Sam Bowman, executive director of the Adam Smith Institute, said over-regulation was preventing such products from entering the market. "Other products like synthetic alcohol and reduced-risk tobacco products promise to repeat the success of e-cigs for new people, but only if we let them."
Public health officials are mindlessly pursuing abstinence campaigns, while ignoring life-saving risk reduction products, the institute says. Mr Bowman continued: "It is crucial that the government does not stand in the way of hangover-free alcohol.
"Regulation must be flexible and encouraging of new products that are safer than the vices they're competing with.