Cognitive development in children can be improved when they are exposed to greenness in their residential areas. Exposure to greenness can better their performance.

‘Living in green spaces can promote social connections and physical activity and can also reduce exposure to air and noise pollution.’

In the current study, the authors expanded on this finding by evaluating the impact of greenness surrounding all the residential addresses of children since birth and characterizing cognitive development at earlier stages in life.

The analysis, published in Environment Health Perspectives, was based on data from 1,500 children of the INMA Environment and Childhood Project cohort in Sabadell and Valencia, collected during 2003-2013.
The ISGlobal team analysed residential surrounding greenness at 100, 300 and 500 metres distance at birth, 4-5 years and 7 years of age. Two types of attention tests were performed at 4-5 and 7 years of age.
The research shows that children with higher greenness around their homes had better scores in the attention tests.
Payam Dadvand, ISGlobal researcher and first author of the study, emphasizes "this is the first time that the impact of lifelong residential exposure to green spaces on attention capacity in children has been studied."
Jordi Sunyer, study coordinator and head of the Child Health Programme at ISGlobal, points out that "the possibility that exposure to different types of vegetation might have different impacts on neurodevelopment remains an open question". Therefore, Sunyer considers further studies should be done in other settings with different climates and vegetation.