
Genes may be Responsible for the Fussy Attitude of Picky Eaters

by Kathy Jones on Mar 22 2013 6:28 PM

 Genes may be Responsible for the Fussy Attitude of Picky Eaters
While people who hesitate to try out new foods are thought to be picky, a new study published in the journal Obesity reveals that genetics may be the reason behind the hesitation.
Researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill conducted the study on 66 pairs of twins who were between 4 and 7 years of age and found that genes were the reason for over 72 percent of the children avoiding trying out new foods while the remaining 28 percent were influenced by the environmental factors.

The researchers added that parents can encourage their children to try out new food by repeatedly exposing them to various food items or showing them how much they enjoy eating it.

“In some respects, food neophobia, or the aversion to trying new foods, is similar to child temperament or personality. Some children are more genetically susceptible than others to avoid new foods. However, that doesn't mean that they can't change their behaviors and become a little less picky”, lead researcher Myles Faith said.

