More than 80 percent of children are carrying school bags that weigh nearly a fifth of their body weight, putting more pressure on their backs, a new study reveals.

"We are seeing increasing numbers of young adults coming for treatment in relation to back trouble and this can often be traced back to carrying heavy bags to school," warns Peter Skew, an Essex-based expert in musculoskeletal medicine, the Daily Mail reports.
Skew, vice-president of BackCare, adds: "Children's skeletons are still developing, and having a heavy bag slung over one shoulder can exert unnatural force on the spine, muscles and attachments.
"Rather like exercising only one side of your body in the gym, you quickly get unilateral muscle-loading, which can cause the small muscles in the back to tighten and compress the spine," adds Skew.
A 2007 British study showed that 13 to 50 percent of 11-17 year olds have experienced back pain. And it's been shown that if you experience back pain as a child, you are four times more likely to have to endure back pain as an adult.
"Picking up and swinging a heavy backpack onto your shoulder multiple times a day is potentially more damaging to a growing body than having to walk a long distance with a static load," says Skew.
Skew says young people are made even more vulnerable to back problems by their increasing inactivity - muscles don't develop properly if you spend your time playing computer games instead of running around. This is compounded by poor posture and one-size-fits-all furniture.
The ideal school bag, according to Lorna Taylor, paediatric physiotherapist, is a not-too-large backpack with wide, padded straps to spread the load, and a waist belt. Heaviest items should be closest to the spine, which is the centre of gravity, to reduce the strain.