Fighting between siblings is a part of growing up and parents should focus on the positives while helping their children make peace during quarrels.

She urges parents to think about the relationship they want their kids to have with each other - now and as adults - and to be intentional in helping them create that positive, supportive bond.
"Most parents would like for their kids to be able to talk with each other, have fun together, and be a source of support for each other during stressful times in their lives," she says.
Kramer knows siblings can learn the skills that enable them to be more supportive brothers and sisters because her own research has demonstrated it. She is the creator of the U of I's extremely successful More Fun with Sisters and Brothers program.
Here are some ways parents can support these positive changes in their own families:
Help your children learn to see things from their sibling's perspective and to respect other people's points of view.
Teach your kids not to assume the worst about their sibling's or anyone else's intentions.
Try to meet each child's unique needs without showing favoritism.
Teach them to use their unique knowledge of each other to strengthen their bond rather than taking advantage of each other's weaknesses.
Promote play, conversation, mutual interests, and fun.
Praise your kids when they help, support, and cooperate with each other.
Kramer encourages parents to examine the goals they have for their children's current and eventual relationship, and then to take actions that will help their kids achieve those goals.
"If you love the idea of your kids just having fun together, schedule more family activities and help to make that happen. If you do have big problems with fighting among your kids, help them learn and practice strategies for solving problems and managing conflicts," she says.
"Problems have solutions, and there's a logical process that you go through to achieve consensus. Make sure both siblings understand what the fight is about, have them practice telling their own viewpoint and taking the other person's perspective, then help them to brainstorm different ways of solving the problem that have a win-win solution. If the solution doesn't work, well, you try again," she adds.