Vitamin D levels were lower in winter months than at other times of the year in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

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Among the major findings:

- Two-thirds of the patients were classified as vitamin D deficient.
- Patients who took vitamin D supplements had vitamin D levels that were 2 times higher than those who did not take supplements, and they had a lower prevalence of vitamin D deficiency.
- Vitamin D levels were lower for certain kidney abnormalities, such as glomerulopathies.
- Vitamin D levels were lower in winter months than at other times of the year.
- Certain genetic variants were also associated with vitamin D levels, but to a lesser extent than disease-associated factors and vitamin D supplementation.
"Vitamin D levels are influenced more strongly by seasonal factors, the type of disease and nutritional supplementation than by common variants in vitamin D regulating genes," said Dr. Doyon. "Supplementation practices should be reconsidered, and intervention studies are needed to define guidelines how to monitor and treat vitamin D deficiency in children with chronic kidney disease."
The findings published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN), could help physicians protect the health of these young patients.