Employers will soon be bound to decide on plans for their employess health insurance or face fine.

The Affordable Care Act has prompted owners of midsized businesses to restructure insurance plans by switching from traditional fully funded plans to self funded plans. This will allow the employer to see overall claims from workers and encourage employee wellness plans.
Starting on Jan. 1, 2015, employers with 100 or more workers will have to pay a penalty if they don’t provide insurance to at least 70 percent of fulltime workers.
In 2016, the mandate will be expanded, so that all businesses with 50 full-time employees will have to pay the penalty if they don’t provide insurance to at least 95 percent of their full-timers.
The next two years will be important in deciding how ACA affects businesses. Employers face a more immediate deadline on October 1 of this year, when they must notify workers of their right to have health insurance under the law, as well informing employees whether the employer will provide insurance next year that meets the ACA’s requirements for being both adequate and affordable for workers.
Ryan Petrizzi, director of sales operations and small markets for insurer AmeriHealth New Jersey, noted that Small Business Health Options Program, or SHOP, will have changes. While the SHOP section of the federal site is expected to be ready in 2015, a key feature of the program is being delayed another year: a provision allowing employees of businesses that bought SHOP insurance to choose their own plans through the website. This would allow workers to pay higher monthly premiums in order to have lower out-of-pocket costs, and vice-versa. With the delay, businesses that buy SHOP insurance will also be deciding on specifics of workers’ health plans.
Rue noted that businesses can use insurance plans with deductibles as an incentive -- reimbursing workers for out-of-pocket costs if they participate in wellness programs. Petrizzi and Rue felt free preventive care should urge consumers to continue doctor visits and assess their health.
Andrew Kitchenman, September 2014
Hannah Punitha (IRDA Licence Number: 2710062)