After you consume fat, level of glucose in the blood rises. If normal glucose metabolism is altered, it can lead to serious health issues.

Since muscle makes up about 30% of our body weight and it is such an important site for glucose metabolism, if normal metabolism is altered, it can have dire consequences for the rest of the body and can lead to health issues, the study said.
Hulver and his colleagues found that muscles’ ability to oxidize glucose after a meal is disrupted after five days of eating a high-fat diet, which could lead to the body’s inability to respond to insulin, a risk factor for the development of diabetes and other diseases.
To conduct the study, healthy college-age students were fed a fat-laden diet. A normal diet is made up of about 30% fat and students in this study had diets that had about 55% fat.
The study showed that the manner in which the muscle metabolized glucose was altered after eating high-fat diets.
The study was published in the online version of the journal Obesity.