Drumming for just an hour (60 minutes) a week can improve autistic children's ability to follow instructions and interact with their peers.

‘Drumming for an hour a week can help autistic children learn in school, follow instructions and interact with their peers better.’

Research involved pupils from Milestone School in Gloucester who took part in a ten-week drumming program comprising two 30-minute sessions each week. Observations of the weekly lessons also highlighted significant improvements in dexterity, rhythm and timing. 

The investigation is a continuation of research undertaken by the academics, known collectively as the Clem Burke Drumming Project that includes the iconic Blondie drummer, and is aimed at demonstrating the value of the musical instrument to school pupils requiring additional education support.
Lead researcher Dr Marcus Smith, a Reader in Sport and Exercise Physiology at University of Chichester, said: "This is a unique and remarkable research project that has demonstrated the positive impact on a pupil's health and well-being following rock drumming practice. Rock drumming as a potent intervention for individuals experiencing brain disorders, such as autism, is fascinating and I am delighted that it builds upon the pioneering work undertaken by colleagues from the Clem Burke Drumming Project."
Class teachers evaluated behavioral changes within the classroom across the ten-week drumming intervention, with preliminary evidence highlighting positive outcomes. Each lesson was delivered by drumming tutors using electronic drum kits provided by charities in Gloucestershire.
Preliminary results showed:
A range of positive changes in behaviour within school environment, which were observed and reported by teachers, such as improved concentration and enhanced communication with peers and adults.
Dr Steve Draper, Dean Research and Knowledge Exchange, Hartpury, added: "Drumming has a unique blend of physical activity, coordination and musicality, all of which are known to be beneficial to well-being. It has been amazing to watch the children thrive and develop to this challenge. Drumming has the potential to positively impact a wide range of people."
Also involved in the study is Dr Ruth Lowry, a Reader in the Psychology of Active Living at the University of Chichester. She said:
"The opportunity to see this group of children progress and develop through developing skills in music is powerful. We hope that this project will provide further evidence that not only does rock drumming have positive benefits in terms of changes in dexterity and concentration but that wider social and behavioral conduct benefits can also be observed."