
Diabetes Hits a New Record by Affecting Four Million in the UK

by Reshma Anand on Jan 5 2016 12:49 PM

Data showed that 4.05 million people are now living with the condition that includes 3.5 million adults who have been officially diagnosed.

Diabetes Hits a New Record by Affecting Four Million in the UK
Diabetes has emerged as the most prevalent and acute lifestyle disease around the world. It is affecting millions without bar and all the developed and developing countries have fallen prey to it.
According to the GP practice data released //by charity Diabetes UK, it has hit a hit a new record of four million people with the condition for the very first time.

It showed that 4.05 million people are now living with the condition that includes 3.5 million adults who have been officially diagnosed. There was an increase of 65 percent over the past decade.

The charity reported that if the same trend continues an estimated five million people will have diabetes by 2025.

Chris Askew, chief executive of Diabetes UK, said, "With four million people in the UK now living with diabetes, the need to tackle this serious health condition has never been so stark or so urgent."

He said, “There was a need for a concerted effort led by the Government to take active steps to address the fact that almost two in every three people in the UK are overweight or obese, and are therefore at increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.”

"Basic measures such as making healthy food cheaper and more accessible, introducing clearer food labeling and making it easier for people to build physical activity into their daily lives would have a profound influence."

The report also showed that more than 24,000 diabetics die prematurely every year due to failures in accessing the best care. Also, only 60 percent of diabetics currently receive checks to prevent complications which can lead to limb amputation, blindness, kidney failure and even death.

Mr Askew said, "Tragically, we are continuing to see too many people with diabetes suffering serious complications, and even dying before their time, and we know that key reasons for this are that they are being denied both the care and access to education that would help them to manage their condition well.”












