In England, more than 100,000 deaths have been estimated to be prevented by the COVID-19 vaccination programme, according to official figures from the Public Health England (PHE).

‘The UK is also expected to begin offering vulnerable groups a booster shot next month, but is waiting for recommendations from independent advisory body Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).’

The latest estimates also indicate that 82,100 hospital admissions have been averted, along with up to 24.4 million infections. 

"The pandemic is not over but vaccination is weakening the link between infection and serious illness," William Welfare, Covid-19 incident director at PHE, was quoted as saying.
A total 73,982,159 vaccines have been given in England, according to government data, including 39,771,795 first doses and 34,210,364 second doses.
The total number of coronavirus cases in the UK stands at 6,659,904, while the death toll is 132,465, according to the latest update on Friday morning by Johns Hopkins University.
"As on Thursday, 38,281 new cases and 140 deaths within 28 days of a positive test were reported across the UK," the PHE said in a tweet.
The booster dose will be prioritised for people who received the Covid shots when the vaccination programmes were first rolled out last December, according to Health Secretary Sajid Javid.