1 in 4 older Americans with dementia or mild cognitive impairment lives alone, facing risks like unsafe driving, wandering, medication errors.

Perceptions of the Role of Living Alone in Providing Services to Patients With Cognitive Impairment
Go to source). “These findings are an //indictment of our health care system, which fails to provide subsidized home care aides for all but the lowest-income patients,” said Elena Portacolone of the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) Institute for Health and Aging. In this study, researchers interviewed 76 healthcare providers, including physicians, nurses, social workers, case workers, home care aides and others. The providers raised concerns about patients missing medical appointments, failing to respond to follow-up phone calls from the doctor’s office and forgetting why appointments were made, leaving them vulnerable to falling off the radar.
Challenges in Providing Care for Elderly Patients Living Alone with Cognitive Decline
“We don’t necessarily have the staff to really try to reach out to them,” said a physician in one interview. Some patients could not assist their doctor with missing information on their chart, leaving the providers uncertain about the pace of their patient’s decline. Many had no names listed as emergency contacts, “not a family member, not even a friend to rely on in case of a crisis”, according to a case manager.‘Living in isolation serves as a social factor affecting the health of people with cognitive impairment, carrying a significance on par with poverty, racism, and limited education. #Dementia #LivingAlone ’

These patients were at risk for untreated medical conditions, self-neglect, malnutrition and falls, according to the providers. One consequence of the shaky infrastructure supporting these patients was that they were not identified until they were sent to a hospital following a crisis, like a fall or reaction to medication mismanagement, the study noted. 

“In an era when Medicare is going to spend millions of dollars for newly approved drugs with very marginal benefits, we need to remember that Medicare and other payers refuse to pay far less money to provide necessary supports for vulnerable people with dementia,” said senior author Kenneth E. Covinsky of the UCSF Division of Geriatrics.
- Perceptions of the Role of Living Alone in Providing Services to Patients With Cognitive Impairment - (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808490)