A newborn baby was abandoned on the street in China by her mother - because the little girl was blonde.

"I was walking to work and heard cries from a wrapped-up quilt in the corner. By opening it I found a baby crying very sadly," the Daily Mail quoted the passer-by as saying.
Police discovered a bag of baby clothes besides the quilt and an envelope containing 3,900 Yuan, about 390 pounds.
On the envelope the mother had written: "I hope warm-hearted people can help to send the baby to the orphanage house. Wish you all the best. My dear baby I am an irresponsible mother and an incapable mother. I am sorry."
Police suspected but have not confirmed that the mother dumped her child because of the baby's white hair.
Meanwhile, most Chinese families are allowed only one child to reduce the population of 1.3 billion-plus and cut unsustainable demands on resources.