Scientists in Israel have integrated cardiac cells with gold nanofibers to form functional engineered tissues which really show gold is your heart's best friend.

The team's goal is to optimize electrical signalling between cells.
Dvir said that gold has been found to increase the connectivity of biomaterials.
He explained that with the addition of the gold particles, cardiac tissues contract much faster and stronger as a whole, he reported, making them more viable for transplants.
Dvir said that on the surface, heart cells have proteins responsible for transferring electrical signals, however, the process of tissue engineering leads to the loss of these proteins.
He asserted that while the cells will start to produce them again naturally they take time to develop - time which a patient may not have.
New tissues are created by placing cells taken from patients or animals onto a three-dimensional scaffolding made of biomaterials - any matter or surface that interacts with biological systems - which organize the cells into the proper formation as they grow.
The research has been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.