America is facing a latest drug problem in the form of bath salts. The bath salts are being sold under the names like 'Ivory Wave', 'White Lightning' and 'Hurricane Charlie'.

According to poison control centers and other law enforcement agencies, the Drug Enforcement Administration does not regulate these substances and they are under federal scrutiny.
The reason they have not been made legal is because the effects of these salts are comparable to methamphetamine abuse.
The powders often contain mephedroneand methylenedioxypyrovalerone, also known as MDPV, and can cause hallucinations, paranoia, rapid heart rates and suicidal thoughts.
The chemicals are in products sold legally at convenience stores and on the Internet as bath salts and even plant foods, and a small packet of the chemicals typically costs as little as 20 dollars.
Law officers say some of the substances are being shipped from Europe, but origins are still unclear.