
Bangalore Anaesthetist Dies of Drug Overdose

by Gopalan on Sep 8 2007 12:22 PM

Dr.Sunil Dominique, a 33-year-old anaesthetist in the southern Indian city of Bangalore was found dead in his bed on Thursday. Police suspect that he might have injected himself with an overdose of an anaesthesia. Sunil was on a de-addiction course for drugs, it is said.

His wife Kavitha Rani, a gynaecologist was alarmed to find the door locked from inside when she returned from work Thursday afternoon.

When there was no response to her knocks on the door, she panicked and called up some of her relatives. They broke open the door only to find him dead. Police have recovered a syringe near his bed.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Alok Kumar, Dr. Dominique had a history of drug abuse and he was in rehab some time ago.

Family members confirmed that his addiction had come to light recently and his father-in-law had asked him go for counselling.

Forensic experts who conducted the autopsy on Friday, suspect that he had injected himself with a muscle relaxant. The sample of the drug from the syringe has been sent to Forensic Science Laboratory for examination.

