Hookah use is becoming increasingly common among young people, with more than one in 10 Arabic-speaking Australian adults using them.

Hookah use is becoming increasingly common among young people with more than one in ten Arabic-speaking Australian adults are thought to use them.
Doctors at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney said the woman had developed dizziness, nausea and lethargy when she was rushed to Sydney Hospital by ambulance, and eventually transferred to St Vincent’s.
But after a few hours the situation got even worse when the woman started developing symptoms of a heart attack, said Louis Wang, a doctor at St Vincent’s Hospital.
"Her ECG changed and it was consistent with someone having a heart attack. She didn’t have chest pains, but the ECG changes suggested that not enough oxygen was being supplied to her muscle in an area of her heart," Dr. Wang said.
Dr. Wang said when she finally ended up in hospital she had a horrific concentration of carbon monoxide in her blood. "It was 25 per cent, when normal is about 1.5 per cent, although really you shouldn’t have any," he said.