
A Vaccine For Non – Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

by Medindia Content Team on Apr 29 2004 10:05 AM

At present researchers have discovered vaccines to various diseases such as flu, measles, whooping cough and other illnesses. Now, scientists are testing vaccines to keep cancer from coming back.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system that almost always comes back, even after chemotherapy and eventually most of these patients ultimately develop resistant disease and die of their lymphoma.

The vaccine is made from a unique protein pattern from the patient's own tumor. It teaches the immune system to recognize cancer cells and kill them. Researchers say , "There are certainly patients who've been vaccinated who have yet to have their cancer return, and whether those patients are cured, or simply having very long remissions, we don't know yet."

Researchers conclude saying , there are a number of lymphoma vaccines in the development and it could be two to three years before any of them are available.
