Having a partner in life can boost survival chances of people with cancer than for patients living without a partner.
You need a partner because only a partner will be there for you when having someone there for you matters most. This is more likely to be true for people with cancer as having a partner improves their survival chances. A new study published in the Journal of Cancer Epidemiology conducted by researchers from the Queensland University of Technology and Cancer Council Queensland, looked at more than 176,000 cases of the 10 leading cancers between 1996 and 2012.
The study found that 26% of single men are more likely to die within 10 years than partnered men and 20% of single women die early than partnered women. But the reasons for the early death remained unclear.
Cancer Council Queensland CEO Professor Jeff Dunn said, “There was a range of possible explanations. Environmental factors, economic factors, psychosocial factors and, of course, all those other sorts of things that go with having a partner.”