
Expert Discussion on Voice - Voice Update 2010

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Voice Update 2010 saw experts exploring voice therapy and vocal dynamics to correct speech disorders in patients and also enhance delivery style, and voice projection among professional voice users.

Expert Discussion on Voice - Voice Update 2010
Human Voice has the power to create an interest or fire the imagination of listeners – be it through speech or singing and often evokes a meaningful response from the other end. The importance of Voice as a means of communication can never be underestimated and medical science is exploring ways and means to fully understand the human voice in order to preserve and improve its use among professional voice users and the general public.
Voice Update 2010 – an annual feature successfully executed by Sri Ramachandra Voice Clinic, on 28th and 29th August 2010, was held at the Seminar Hall of SRMC and RI, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai. The two day compact event drew participants from all over India and Bangladesh.

Conveners and Participants

The second Annual Voice Update was convened by acclaimed experts in the field of ENT, Phonosurgery and Speech pathology, including in-house specialists Professor. Lt. Col. A. Ravikumar. ENT Surgeon, Dr. Prakash Boominathan, Speech Pathologist, and National faculty of Voice and Phonosurgery, Col. Dr. WVBS Ramalingam, Army Hospital (R&R), New Delhi, Dr. Sachin Gandhi and Mrs. Vrushali Desai, from Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune. The programme had enthusiastic participants who were ENT Surgeons, ENT Residents (Post-Graduate students), SLP (Speech Language Pathologist) Consultants and SLP post graduate students.

Calling Card

The consolidated programme was well balanced between scientific sessions and Workshops. The scientific sessions comprised of Biomechanics of Larynx, Assessment and Management of Voice, Cadaver Dissection and Demonstration of Type 1 Thyroplasty, and Care for Professional Voice. The Workshops focussed on Perceptual Assessment of Voice and Voice Therapy, Live Surgery of Larynx and Demonstration of Stroboscopy. Apart from the scientific sessions and workshops, three Panel Discussions were also held that dealt with emerging issues in ENT and Speech Pathology related to Voice Disorders, Laryngo pharyngeal reflux and Phonosurgery – Laser Vs Cold Knife.

Voice Therapy DVD Released

’Voice Therapy’ a self-instructional DVD for professional voice users (Singers and Teachers) developed by Dr. Prakash Boominathan, was released by renowned Carnatic Vocalist T.M. Krishna and the first copy was received by Professor T.K. Parthasarathy, Pro. Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra University. Given Dr. Boominathan’s expertise in speech pathology and his constant interaction with professional singers, it is only natural that the DVD offers exercises and expert suggestions for professional voice users such as teachers, singers, radio jockeys, theatre artistes and so on. The DVD is currently available in retail outlets.

Voice management being an emerging field in India, voice therapy, voice analysis, voice culture and vocal dynamics are extensively studied by medical experts to correct speech disorders in patients and also enhance delivery style, and voice projection among professional voice users. Voice Update 2010 provided a suitable platform to showcase the various developments achieved by medical experts in the study of Voice and its practical implications in correcting voice disorders and enhancing the use of voice, especially among professional voice users.












