In not more than 10 years, a tendon, spinal cord or heart valve will be able to regenerate itself after an injury or disease, claimed a Queen's University chemical engineering professor.

While using polymers to help grow muscles may sound like something out of Frankenstein, it's actually quite natural.
Amsden is trying to develop the technique where stem cells from fat are placed on a polymer prosthetic that stimulates cell growth and that is later implanted it into a person's body.
"I can't think of anything Frankensteinish about that because everything is you. The only thing that isn't you is the polymer which is biodegradable and eventually disappears, so all you have left is your own tissues," said Amsden.
Tissue engineering was first proposed in mid 1980s and using polymers to help stimulate the process came about in the early 1990s so it's a fairly new field.
The impact would be huge on Canada's aging population.