
List of Healthy Office Snacks - Slideshow

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Healthy snacking is not easy. In fact, it can be downright challenging. But call them meals between meals or bit-sized meals, snacking is most often a necessity. Nowhere is the need for snacking felt as much as it is during the workday. All those rushed mornings of missed-breakfasts or just enough time for only a light lunch; healthy snacks can provide us the fuel to keep going through the day. But if not done right, snacks can make you feel drowsy or groggy and bring down your productivity. Not to mention all the extra weight you might put on! Therefore, it is important to snack right to feel light and energetic throughout the day.

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Components of Healthy Snacks

Good snacks are high in protein and fiber and low in fat. When looking for healthy work snacks, always make sure they meet these criteria. High-protein healthy snacks help keep the excess weight off and keep the energy levels high during office working hours. You can make a list of healthy snacks that you can buy over the weekend to last you for your whole week in the office.

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Nuts must be on top of the list of healthy office snacks. All sorts of nuts make for amazing portable snacks. Pack roasted or plain almonds in an airtight small box and munch on them to counter post lunch hunger pangs. Nuts are also effective when you want a quick pick-me-up energy boost. Do take care of the quantity when consuming these delicious healthy snacks as nuts pack in a lot of calories. A serving of 20 to 25 almonds is adequate for the day. Walnuts and a limited amount of macadamia nuts can also be eaten as yummy healthy snacks. Also, go easy on pistachios, cashews, and pecans.

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Seeds can't be far behind nuts if you are looking for healthy snacks. A fistful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds can be eaten during office tea breaks or as your mid-morning snack. Other healthy snack ideas can be squash seeds or snacks that include sesame seeds.

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Roasted Legumes

Legumes are high in protein and fiber and can be made into delicious healthy snacks in a jiffy. Roasted legumes are also easily available in supermarkets and health food stores. Peanuts, chick peas, and soy are some legumes that can be eaten with ease as work snacks. Just toss a handful in your mouth and while you work.

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Whole Grains

Whole grains make for heart healthy snacks. There is so much to choose from if you are looking for healthy office snack ideas. Whole wheat crackers can be packed into a small box with a bowl of peanut butter. This can be consumed sitting at your work desk. Whole grain sandwiches are easy snacks to make at home and to carry with you to work. Use ingredients such as nut butter, low-fat cheese, vegetables, and jams to make your delicious sandwiches. These are also healthy snacks for meetings that can run for a rather long time. Just grab a few bites before you head for a conference, you will be glad for you did!.

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Fruits are portable snack items that can be eaten at any time of your workday. Choose from fruits such as bananas, apples, pears, oranges, grapes, berries, and guavas. Bananas can be eaten in a jiffy if you are short on time. A banana is full of potassium and other nutrients and is a filling snack that can easily tide you over for a few hours. Grapes and berries can be easily stored in a box, and you can nibble through them while working. Dried fruits, such as apricots and figs, contain natural sugar that can satiate the cravings for something sweet, while giving you the much-needed sustenance.

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Crunchy vegetables like carrots and cucumber can be eaten at your work desk as healthy snacks. When shopping for healthy snacks , add fresh vegetables to your shopping basket to munch on during busy workdays. These veggies are easy to carry to work and can be eaten just before lunch. If the idea of eating raw vegetables doesn't excite you much then take along a pot of low-fat yogurt or cheese dip. Hummus is another option that is the perfect accompaniment for fresh vegetables and is also high in protein due to its sesame content. Mint chutney can be easily made at home and can be carried to office to eat with cucumbers. Tomato slices topped with grated cheese or mixed with slices of low fat cottage cheese are also healthy snack options.

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Some Traditional Indian Healthy Office Snacks

Sesame seed and jaggery bars

Peanut and jaggery bars
Puffed or roasted pearl millet and sorghum
Sago puffs

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More Ideas for Healthy Work Snacks

Steamed corn with spices, herbs with a hint of butter

Popcorn made with little butter or oil
Low-fat yogurt blended with spices or mixed with fruits
Boiled eggs

  1. Introduction
  2. Components of Healthy Snacks
  3. Nuts
  4. Seeds
  5. Roasted Legumes
  6. Whole Grains
  7. Fruits
  8. Vegetables
  9. Some Traditional Indian Healthy Office Snacks
  10. More Ideas for Healthy Work Snacks











