
Snoring Causes

What are the Causes of Snoring?

Narrowed airways- Snoring occurs when the area at the back of the throat narrows. When air passes through this smaller opening, it causes the tissues surrounding the opening to vibrate, which in turn leads to the sounds of snoring. The narrowing can be in the nose, mouth or throat.

  • Obstruction of the nasal passages- This can be caused by allergies, deviation of the nasal septum, sinus infections, swelling of the turbinates’, or large adenoids (tonsils in the back of the throat). Children with large tonsils and adenoids often snore.
  • Deformities in the nasal pathways- Enlarged tonsils, too long or floppy soft palate, abnormally long or thick uvula can lead to snoring.
  • Old age- The throat muscles become weaker with advancing age. Weak throat muscles cause the surrounding tissues to sag and vibrate.
  • Drugs and relaxants- Too much alcohol or sedation at bedtime can cause snoring.
  • Weight gain- Being 20% over the ideal weight can cause snoring.
  • Sleep posture- Sleeping on the back causes the muscles of the throat to relax and block the airway.