Green Fungus

Green Fungus or Aspergillosis and COVID-19 Infection - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for Green fungus or Aspergillosis infection?

A: Please consult a Respiratory care physician. They are also called pulmonologist.


Q: Why is the colour said to be green in green fungus infection?

A: The Green Fungus (Aspergillus) has been named so based on the colour it displays when cultured on a culture media in labs. Also, the spores of this fungus are greenish in colour.

Q: Can surgical procedure be required for green fungus infection?

A: Surgical methods may be required for the removal of fungal ball (Aspergilloma).

Even in cutaneous Aspergilloma, based on the degree of damage to skin, a surgical debridement or removal of dead and infected tissue may be done.

Other surgical methods may be used for symptomatic management such as vessel embolization to stop severe bleeding.

Q: How long should antifungal be taken?

A: The duration of antifungal treatment depends on severity of infection and the immune system status. In cases of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis, antifungals are given for 6-12 weeks. Some severe cases may even require treatment for as long as 6 months.

Q: What are the side effects of anti-fungal treatment?

A: Some common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, skin rashes, itching, dizziness, flushing, dry mouth.

Some serious side effects that may be seen include palpitations, chills, sweating, hallucinations, chest pain, visual abnormalities, confusion, difficulty in breathing.
