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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women that develops from breast tissues. 1 in 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The exact cause of breast cancer are unknown, but certain risk factors like gender, heredity, genetics, family history, age, and lifestyle changes may put you at risk of developing it. Elderly women are more likely to get breast cancer. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer include a lump in the breast, nipple discharge, changes in breast texture. More than 80% of breast cancer cases are exposed when the woman feels a lump. Mammograms play a vital role in early breast cancer detection. Breast cancer screening will not help to prevent breast cancer development, but it can detect the cancer earlier. Treatment for breast cancer depends on the stages of cancer. It includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy.
Creating awareness about breast cancer can be highly effective in getting attention for the disease earlier. Future research on breast cancer is going worldwide to find the better way of treat and prevent breast cancer at an earlier stage to improve the quality of patient’s life.