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Clopidogrel : Interaction with Foods, Herbs & Alcohol

To ensure your well-being, it is crucial to comprehend the reasons behind avoiding specific food, herbs, and alcohol while taking Clopidogrel. Such interactions can lead to undesirable side effects and potentially impact the efficacy of the medication. Also familiarize yourself on how and when to take the medication for maximum benefit.

Clopidogrel, available as a tablet, can be taken once or twice daily with or without food. Always adhere to the prescription label instructions and avoid exceeding the suggested dosage.
Clopidogrel is an anti-platelet agent, that is, a drug that inhibits the ability of platelets to clump together as part of a blood clot. Clopidogrel is prescribed either alone or with other medications for prevention or treatment of stroke and heart attack (which are usually caused by blood clots) in persons who are at high risk.
More Info about Clopidogrel

Clopidogrel Interactions with Food and Herbs

Ginkgo Biloba: When you take clopidogrel, you should not take ginkgo biloba as it increases the risk of bleeding.

Clopidogrel Interactions with Alcohol

Intake of alcohol with clopidogrel can increase the chances of bleeding from the stomach.

How to Take the Medication - Clopidogrel

Take clopidogrel with food and plenty of water. You should not start or stop it on your own. Stick to the recommended dose. Read the instructions before use and follow exactly as directed.

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