
Best Ways to Reduce Your Child's Toxin Exposure at Home

by Tanya Thomas on Jun 18 2011 11:54 PM

 Best Ways to Reduce Your Child
Canadian health and environmental experts have issued a list of the top five ways that parents can do to protect their children from exposure to toxic substances in and around the home.
Controlling house dust; switching to less-toxic, fragrance-free cleaners; taking extreme care with renovation projects; avoiding certain types and uses of plastics; and choosing fish that are low in mercury are the five priority actions recommended by the Canadian Partnership for Children's Health and Environment (CPCHE) to reduce common sources of toxic exposure associated with child health risks.

"If parents take simple actions in these five areas, they can significantly reduce their children's exposures to toxics - and even save money," said Erica Phipps, CPCHE Partnership Director.

"A clean environment is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children and our grandchildren. It ensures they have the greatest chance of success, both in their early developmental years and throughout their lives," said Ontario Minister of the Environment, John Wilkinson.

