
Be Organised to Live Well and Live Long

by Savitha C Muppala on Jan 6 2009 7:42 PM

A recent study has brought out the benefits of leading a disciplined life, of living with an objective and purpose and being more organised.

Self control may be an equally rewarding trait even at the cost of appearing boring and dull, the study has revealed.

A study conducted by University of California which collected data from 20 studies involving 8000 participants across Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden and Norway sought to examine the benefits of conscientiousness and its impact on longevity. The findings revealed that duty conscious people live at least four years longer than their risk-taking counterparts.

Further, conscientious people are not likely to drink in excess and tend to lead less stressful lives, which impacted their health positively.

Howard Friedman, professor of psychology at the university said: "Not only do conscientious individuals have better health habits and less risk-taking, but they also [have] more stable jobs and marriages and may even have a biological predisposition toward good health."

Equally important traits which had a bearing on longevity were proficiency at work and diligence.

The study is published in the journal Health Psychology.


