
Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair - Slideshow

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Healthy Hair

It is an undeniable fact that our lifestyle and eating habits affect our body within and on the surface. Our skin and hair are affected by pollution and the kind of food we eat. Superstars like Jennifer Anniston and Beyonce have the kind of hair every girl dreams of. Here is the list of the top 10 food items, which will give you the hair you always desired

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Salmon is the complete beauty food. It is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids; it is a high quality protein food and is rich in vitamin B-12 and iron.

Studies say that omega-3 fatty acids are very important for the healthy scalp, which will eventually lead to healthy hair.
Are you a vegetarian? Well, there is no need to get disappointed since two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds in your daily diet would benefit you in an equal manner.

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Dark Green Vegetables

Spinach, broccoli and Swiss chard are the excellent sources of vitamin A and C, which help to produce sebum in the scalp. Sebum is an oily fluid, which acts as hair's natural conditioner. These vegetables also provide iron and calcium to your body. So, all the girls and boys out there, switch to the green salads and broccoli soup.

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Eggs are an important and best source of protein. It does not matter how you like to eat an egg, whether as an omelet, scrambled, boiled or any grandma's recipe. Eggs also contain biotin and vitamin B-12, which are important body nutrients.

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Are you nuts about long, shiny and thick hair? Then nuts in your diet will help you. Brazil nuts are the nature's best sources of selenium, an important mineral for the health of your scalp. Apart from that, walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid that may help to condition your hair. They are also a terrific source of zinc. Cashews, pecans, and almonds too come in the same category. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair shedding; hence make sure that you have extra toppings of almond and walnuts on your ice creams and pastries or pop some in your mouth before you start the day to have those lusty locks you have always dreamt about.

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Poultry also figures in the list of healthy hair food. Without adequate protein, one may experience weak brittle hair, which can also result in hair color loss. Now you have a good reason to enjoy all those barbecues and mouth-melting chicken gravies in your strict diet regime.

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Whole Grains

Whole-grain snack can be a good snack when you have lost all your energy and you still have hours to go for dinner. The whole grains including whole-wheat bread and fortified whole-grain breakfast cereals are very essential for your hair. So make sure, you switch to whole-wheat breads for your sandwiches from now onwards.

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You must be wondering what good beans can do to you hair. But legumes like kidney beans and lentils are important food for your hair. They provide plenty of protein for hair growth, besides iron, zinc and biotin. All those who are fed up trying expensive hair products for their brittle hair, you don't need to worry. Just get some beans on your plate because your diet lacks biotin. Biotin deficiency has been observed to cause brittle hair.

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Low-Fat Dairy Products

Low-fat dairy products like yogurt do not just help you to shed that extra burden of fats from your waist, they provide you calcium, which is an important mineral for hair growth. These products also include whey and casein, the two high-quality proteins.

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Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, they promote a healthy scalp along with good vision. Since a healthy scalp is an essential thing for healthy hair, it would be wise if you include carrots in your food and salad. They are also low in calories, which make them a good diet food too.

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Oysters are better known as aphrodisiac, work wonders for healthy hair due to their powerful antioxidant abilities. That's like shooting two birds with one arrow. If you don't eat oysters, don't despair; you can get the same benefits from whole grain and nuts too.

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Apart from all these food, it is important that you relax and reduce stress levels since stress increases hair fall. Several fish oils can also be included in the food for a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

It is not necessary that you have to spend your fortunes for expensive hair products and treatments to get desired results. Just by being a little conscious about your nutrition and lifestyle, you can achieve all those results, which earlier seemed impossible . Just a little care and you can be beautiful as you always wished.
One last tip, happiness is the magic pill to all the problems. So don't forget to stretch your lips and put a smile on your face.

  1. Healthy Hair
  2. Salmon
  3. Dark Green Vegetables
  4. Eggs
  5. Nuts
  6. Poultry
  7. Whole Grains
  8. Beans
  9. Low-Fat Dairy Products
  10. Carrots
  11. Oysters
  12. Stress











