
Top 8 Health Benefits of Beetroot Tea - Slideshow

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What is Beetroot Tea?

Beetroot tea, or Beetroot chai, is a deep red nourishing beverage, which is gaining quick popularity across places. This caffeine-free tea is believed to be great for everyone's health. It is loaded with plenty of nutrients that improve overall health.

Beet tea is a decoction of beetroot and the addition of a few more ingredients to this tea can further boost its nutritive value. For example, adding mint leaves to beetroot tea can help improve digestion or addition of ginger to this tea may relieve cold and cough. Let's explore the health benefits of beetroot tea.

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Regulates Blood Pressure

Beetroot appears to be a promising means of lowering blood pressure, reports a study. It is a source of inorganic nitrate, which has great potential for reducing high blood pressure in humans.

Inorganic nitrate gets converted to nitric oxide, a compound that increases vasodilation, reduces blood pressure and improves the heart function.
It dilates the blood vessels and the arteries ensuring smooth blood flow throughout the body. This protects the inner lining of the arteries against damage and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Such a benefit beetroot tea is possible only when it is consumed daily.

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Prevents Anemia

Anemia is the most common nutritional problem among the females worldwide caused due to the deficiency of iron.

Beetroot gets its beautiful rich red color from a compound called 'betaine'. This compound helps treat anemia by increasing the blood count. Furthermore, it improves oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells, which in turn improves overall blood circulation.
Such an action of beetroot tea increases hemoglobin level in the blood. Addition of lemon juice or amla rich in vitamin C, to beetroot tea further enhances the absorption of iron.

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Fights Oxidative Stress

Beetroot is a promising super-food that helps in the treatment of various clinical pathologies associated with oxidative stress and inflammation.

Among all the constituents present in beetroot, betalain pigments display the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Besides this, beetroot is a rich source of phytochemical compounds like carotenoids, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and phenolic acids. These bioactive compounds scavenge free radicals and make them inactive. Thus, it boosts the natural antioxidant defense system of the body and suppresses oxidative stress.
Beetroot compounds also hinder the production of pro-inflammatory compounds and protect the body against a rise in the inflammation levels.

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Liver Detoxification

Liver is the body's natural defense system that protects the body against toxins. Exposure to various free radicals, chemicals, drugs and toxins may alter its structure and function.

The exposure of the liver to such substances cannot be controlled, but consumption of foods like beetroot can help detoxify the liver.
Bioactive compounds present in beetroot, filter out the toxins and help in the regeneration of liver cells. Beetroot tea reduces liver damage and lowers the overall inflammation associated with it.
Hence, daily consumption of beetroot tea has the ability to detoxify the liver, strengthen it and get rid of waste products.

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Anti-Depressant Properties

Beetroot tea is an amazing stress-buster, which helps in relieving anxiety and depression. Stress produces oxidative damage by causing derangement in the natural antioxidant defense system of the body. This results in damage to the brain as well as the nerve cells.

Oxidative stress and free radical damage are implicated in anxiety and depression. Beetroot being a good source of natural antioxidants blocks the action of free radicals and fights oxidative stress.
It protects the brain cells against damage and boosts overall brain health. Hence, drinking a cup of beetroot tea after a stressful day can help elevate your mood and overall well-being.

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Anti-Cancer Action

Studies have reported that red beetroot is effective in suppressing the development of tumors. It is loaded with an array of bioactive compounds that destroy cancer cells and prevent their growth and spread to other organs of the body.

Besides this, antioxidants present in beetroot fight oxidative stress and create an unfavorable environment for the survival of cancer cells.
Adding beetroot tea to your diet may protect the body against the harmful effects of cancer.

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Benefits During Pregnancy

Fetal growth restriction (FGT) affects approximately 5% of the pregnancies and is associated with adverse outcomes, reports a study.

A reduction in the nitric oxide availability affects the functioning of the blood vessels in the uterus and the placenta. Therefore, eating nitrate rich foods during pregnancy is of prime importance.
Beetroot is an excellent source of inorganic nitrate that improves placental blood flow and improves the health of mother and baby.
Drinking beetroot tea can further help in reducing hypertension and preeclampsia in pregnant women.

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Improves Exercise Performance

Beetroot is a natural food that can help enhance athletic performance. Antioxidants, bioactive compounds and micronutrients present in beetroot purify the blood, detoxify the liver and spike overall energy levels.

Betaine, a bioactive compound of beetroot boosts athletic performance outcomes and considerably delays exhaustion too.
Concurrently, inorganic nitrate present in beetroot triggers vasodilation, increasing the blood flow during exercise and rest. Thus, drinking beetroot tea can boost exercise performance and keep the mind and body healthy and active.

  1. What is Beetroot Tea?
  2. Regulates Blood Pressure
  3. Prevents Anemia
  4. Fights Oxidative Stress
  5. Liver Detoxification
  6. Anti-Depressant Properties
  7. Anti-Cancer Action
  8. Benefits During Pregnancy
  9. Improves Exercise Performance











