Orbital Cellulitis

Orbital Cellulitis - Glossary


Ocular: Pertaining to the eye

Immunosuppression: Suppression of the body's immune system and its ability to fight infections or disease. Immunosuppression may be deliberately induced with drugs, as in preparation for bone marrow or other organ transplantation to prevent rejection of the donor tissue. It may also result from certain diseases such as AIDS or lymphoma or from anticancer drugs

Perorbital: Around the orbit (the eye)

Sinus: Air chambers in the facial bone behind our cheeks, eyebrows and jaws

Sinusitis: Sinusitis is inflammation of the lining membrane of any of the hollow areas (sinuses) of the bone of the skull around the nose. The sinuses are directly connected to the nasal cavities

Ophthalmoplegia: Weakness or paralysis of muscles of the eye