Drowsy Driving

Drowsy Driving - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it illegal to drive when drowsy?

A: It is illegal, and it is considered a criminal offence in states such as New Jersey, Arkansas, and New York in USA. However, in many other countries including India it is not yet considered illegal.


Q: At what Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is a driver liable to be punished by law in India?

A: In India, while driving a motor vehicle, if a person has a BAC exceeding 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood detected by a Breathalyzer, then the person is liable for punishment by law.

Q: Are there any tests to detect level of sleepiness?

A: No

Q: When is a person considered to be drunk?

A: When blood alcohol concentration is 0.08 or 80 grams per 100 ml a person is considered to be drunk.
