Ask Jenny Isaac about her two pregnancies and she is quick to recount the difficult times of extreme sickness , so much so that she could not leave the house.

"It is so horrible to want a baby so much, but then become so sick when pregnant that you are actually wondering whether you can go through with it. You start thinking 'Maybe I just can't do it'."
The vomiting was so severe that she had lost 10kg during the first three weeks of her first pregnancy. An anti-nausea drug prescribed to her was allergic which triggered convulsions. The vomiting continued, unabated.
She was later diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum and prescribed Zofran. She consumed three tablets a day during both pregnancies , spending about $15,000 on the drug.
"I would still vomit a lot, but Zofran took the edge off it.", she said.