The fact long known is that, air pollution caused by cars and trucks, solvent use and even plants is reduced when broken down by naturally occurring compounds that act like detergents of atmosphere.

A new study, led by University of Toronto atmospheric chemist Jennifer Murphy, shows a key component of the process is the soil beneath our feet.
"Pollutants in the atmosphere are broken down by hydroxyl radicals that are produced when nitrous acid breaks down in sunlight," said Murphy. "What scientists have been working to solve for over 15 years is where nitrous acid comes from during the daytime."
Murphy and her team investigated chemical interactions that take place when different components of the atmosphere reach the ground. "We found that soil can take up nitrous acid at night when these components react with carbonate minerals often found in soil. Examples of everyday carbonates are lime and sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda," said Murphy.
"The following day, nitrous acid is displaced from the soil and released into the atmosphere by the strong acids nitric acid and hydrochloric acid," said Trevor VandenBoer, lead author of the study published today in Nature Geoscience and former PhD student in Murphy's research group, now a Banting postdoctoral fellow at Memorial University. "Those strong acids are the product of combustion processes that occur in virtually all environments, so this cycle occurs daily."
Nitrous acid breaks down extremely quickly in sunlight to form hydroxyl radicals. So, something must be producing nitrous acid just as quickly, or at least in sufficient amounts, during the daytime in order to reach measurable concentrations.
The team found nitrite - the salt form of nitrous acid - in particles containing large amounts of calcium and sodium. This suggested that reactions with mineral dust or soil produces nitrite salts, which react with the stronger acids produced by combustions processes, releasing nitrous acid.
"This process can account for the majority of daytime nitrous acid produced from noon through sunset," said VandenBoer. "Other mechanisms proposed previously have not been shown to be equally important both in the lab and in the field."
"This discovery allows us to better understand the sources of hydroxyl radical," said Murphy. "Knowing where nitrous acid comes from during the daytime helps to understand the factors controlling air pollution."