
Toothpastes Turn into Super Teeth Protectors Thanks to a Copolymer

by Dr. Enozia Vakil on Jan 12 2014 4:17 PM

 Toothpastes Turn into Super Teeth Protectors Thanks to a Copolymer
Toothpastes containing triclosan, along with a copolymer which prevents the triclosan from being washed away with saliva, may help prevent gingivitis, plaque and bleeding gums, a new study revealed.
Co-author of the study, Philip Riley, from the University of Manchester in England, said that adding triclosan and copolymer to a fluoride toothpaste will lead to additional benefits, in terms of less plaque, inflammation, bleeding, and tooth decay.

A team from the Cochrane Oral Health Group reviewed 30 published studies of toothpastes containing triclosan and copolymer.

Their analysis of the combined data found a 22 percent reduction in plaque, a 22 percent reduction in gingivitis, a 48 percent reduction in bleeding gums, and a 5 percent reduction in tooth decay (cavities) compared to toothpaste with fluoride alone.

However, they did not find significant evidence that triclosan/copolymer toothpaste reduced the incidence of periodontis more than toothpaste without the combination. No adverse reactions to triclosan or the copolymer were reported.

The study was published in the Cochrane Library.

