
Some Jobs Linked to Smoking, Says CDC Report

by Kathy Jones on Oct 1 2011 5:20 PM

 Some Jobs Linked to Smoking, Says CDC Report
A new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States reveals that the incidence of smoking differs depending on the occupation and identified three jobs that encourage smoking.
According to the report, around 19.3 percent of all adults in the US are smokers with 30 percent of all miners and those who work in accommodation and food service industry pick up the butt. Construction workers come a close second with the report estimating that 29.7 percent of those who are involved in construction smoke.

At the other end of the scale, workers who are employed education services industry had the lowest amount of smokers with just 9.7 percent while those involved in company management came second best at 10.9 percent.

Education too played a role in who smoked with nearly 30 percent of those who had just a high school degree becoming smokers while just 9.1 percent of those who completed bachelor’s, master’s or higher degrees smoking.

