Some people who maintain healthy weight follow simple routine behaviors such as not skipping breakfast, exercise five times a week, and eating high-quality food.
When it comes to losing or maintaining a healthy weight, people go on a restrictive diet. A simple routine behavior could be the key instead. To shed light on the health behaviors of those who maintain a healthy weight, Cornell Food and Brand Lab researchers developed an online Global Healthy Weight Registry (formerly named the Slim by Design Registry). Adults of healthy weight were invited to sign up for the registry and then answer questions about diet, exercise, and daily routines.
‘Simple habits like not skipping breakfast, focusing on eating high-quality food than quantity and cooking at home can help maintain a healthy weight.
The researcher's analysis of 147 adult Registry participants unveiled some common routine behaviors of those who stay healthy and slim. Namely, 96% reported eating breakfast, 42% exercised 5+ times a week, and 50% weighed themselves at least weekly. Although 74% never or rarely dieted, 92% reported being conscious of what they ate. As part of their habits that lead to weight control, 44% reported, at least, one non-restrictive strategy (such as listening to inner cues, cooking at home, and eating high-quality, non-processed foods). What stood out most in these findings according to the study's co-author, Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the Food and Brand Lab and author of the book Slim by Design was that: "Most slim people don't employ restrictive diets or intense health regimes to stay at a healthy weight. Instead, they practice easy habits like not skipping breakfast and listening to inner cues. If you struggle with weight, try adding these simple practices to your routine, you may be surprised how easy it is to be healthy!"