
Manure Blamed as Cause for the E Coli Out Break

Following the recent scary outbreak of an epidemic in California which has been linked to E coli O157:H7 which caused diarrhea with bloody stools in those affected by this organism, intense study has been initiated to round up and annihilate the source of E coli in spinach.

The E coli could have been transmitted to the crops by manure commonly used as a fertilizer by the farmers.

Samples of the suspected cattle dung are being tested presently to gauge if the same strain of E coli which caused umpteen people to fall sick will bloody stools and a form of kidney failure, is present in it.

Deputy Director of the California Department of Health Services Kevin Reilly. Has informed the public that results will take a few more days to be announced.

The epidemic which seems to have fanned out from California could have blown out of proportion because of other parameters like contaminated irrigation water, unhygienic methods of handling produce and contamination of produce during transportation, as well.

The ban on fresh spinach, which was slapped in the wake of the epidemic has been currently lifted by the U.S Food and Drug Administration. Following decline in number of people reporting related symptoms and the recalling of all affected spinach from the stores and outlets.

