
Healthcare sector is now a multi billion-dollar industry in India

by Medindia Content Team on May 21 2001 12:00 AM

A Confederation of Indian Industry study has identified the health care sector in India as a potential gold mine. India is poised to develop into a 'regional healthcare hub' with the $17 billion healthcare industry growing at a rate of 13 per cent the study says. With a 16% increase in budgetary outlay the healthcare industry is poised to zoom ahead bringing with it big bucks as returns.

The study report advises the union government top concentrate on improving the dismal condition of primary and secondary health care in most parts of the country. It asks the tertiary health care sector to be left to the private sector. Pointing out that there was a huge shortage of hospital beds, low density of doctors per person, the study stressed on the need to reorient healthcare strategy and strengthen linkages between government and private sector participants.
