
'Future of Medicine' Perhaps in Microchips

by Nancy Needhima on Mar 6 2012 10:43 PM

`Future of Medicine` Perhaps in Microchips
Companies manufacturing medical devices are currently eagerly awaiting to make their products easily traceable.
And one of the options health officials are considering is using a unique device identifier, or UDI, Fox News reported.

VeriChip microchipping system, which the company developed as a possible solution, is responsible for the current usage of microchips in pets, which can help identify them if they become lost and get them home sooner to their owners, Scott Silverman, CEO of Veriteq, said.

In 2009, the company signed an agreement to implant its 8-milimeter microchip in Medcomp's vascular access catheters.

"These microchips are the only microchips that are approved to live safely in the human body," Silverman added.

