
Being Nice Not Good for Women at Workplace

by Kathy Jones on Aug 26 2013 7:48 PM

While parents often teach their young girls that being nice and hard working are great qualities to have, a new study suggests that they could be limiting their potential to get ahead at workplace.

 Being Nice Not Good for Women at Workplace
While parents often teach their young girls that being nice, kind and hard working are great qualities to have, a new study suggests that they could be limiting their potential to get ahead at the workplace.
According to Dr Lois Frankel, American best-selling author and executive coach, boys are often taught to be fearless, competitive and tough - ready to hide their feelings and put themselves first. While girls are told to behave themselves, be good, be nice and be aware of the needs of others.

It's that distinction that's ultimately responsible for the inequality of the modern workplace, she said.

Dr Frankel said that women who want to get ahead need to break that cycle and lose what she describes as the "nice girl image" and be assertive, reported.

She said that women need to unlearn the lessons of childhood, as they restrict them to move ahead.

However, she does say that one shouldn't walk all over everyone else to get what they want.

She asserted that the workplace is a game, and one has to play to win and to do that properly he/she needs to understand the rules.

She suggests some tips to follow which prevent women from getting where they want to be.

She insists women to ask questions instead of making a statement.

When you lead in with a question you give someone the opportunity to immediately disagree with you. Instead, put your idea out there first. Be courageous about the thing you most want to achieve and make everyone understand it.

Avoid negotiation - Good negotiation is a communication. Go into every negotiation knowing exactly what you want to come out with. Don't be afraid to promote your value and your worth. Be clear, upfront and decisive.

One has to tolerate jerks when they are at work.

You don't have to be unkind to the person who treats you badly; you just have to set boundaries.

Be honest about how much you can achieve and offer the person choices.

Aim high. True workplace gains are made on the edge of the boundaries. Learn the rules of your organisation and look beyond them if you want to succeed.

Don't offer to organise anything that has a low pay-off for you either professionally or personally.

Only volunteer for things that are close to your heart or high profile. Any work you do must get you in front of the decision makers.

As an adult there is no reason for you to justify why you need something.

We often try and fill the silences with apologies to soften our message. Don't do that. Use an economy of words.

