A new study has indicated that baby boomers are dissatisfied with their sex lives.

Among people aged 45 to 65, 59 percent of women think they know all about sex, while just 48 percent of men share that confidence level, according to the new Associated Press-LifeGoesStrong.com poll.
"I don't think a single person in the whole world knows all there is about sex," the New York Post quoted Debby Herbenick, of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University, as saying.
Some 24 percent of boomers said they're dissatisfied, compared with 12 percent of 18-29 year olds, 20 percent of 30-44 year olds and 17 percent of those over 65.
A majority of female boomers - 56 percent - believe their sex drive has decreased, as they have gotten older, compared with 46 percent of men.
Seventy-two percent of men aged 45-65 have fantasized about having sex with someone other than their sexual partner at the time, compared with 48 percent of women.
The new poll also found that among those aged 45 to 55, nearly half the men - 48 percent - complained that their partners don't want to have sex as often as they do, while just 13 percent of women in that age group said the same.
"Men certainly do tend to have higher sex drives, as a whole," Herbenick said, though she noted that some women also have quite high sex drives."
There's less disagreement between the sexes between 55 and 65, with majorities of both men and women saying couples can have a strong relationship without sexual activity. Some 59 percent of men at that age, and 69 percent of women, agreed with that.
The poll involved online interviews with 945 adults between the ages of 45 and 65, as well as companion interviews with an additional 587 adults of other age groups, ages 18-44 and over 65 years of age.