Asthma, a respiratory condition marked by attacks of spasm in the bronchi of the lungs, is costing the Australian community almost $28 billion per annum.

‘Asthma costs the Australian community almost $28 billion per annum. The respiratory condition affects approximately one in 10 Australians, or 2.4 million people.’

The study revealed the total cost of asthma in Australia in 2015 was $27.9 billion, comprised of $3.3 billion in economic costs and $24.7 billion in "burden of disease" costs.

It defines "burden of disease" costs as those that flow from suffering and premature deaths experienced by people with asthma. Such costs are evaluated with a complex formula, developed by the World Bank and Harvard University and the World Health Organization.
The $3.3 billion in economic costs included productivity losses of $1.1 billion and annual health system costs of $1.2 billion. Other financial costs included about $246.4 million for government programs, travel costs, and formal care and another $635.9 million in other efficiency losses.
The study found that on average people with asthma were absent from work about two days per year more than non-sufferers. In 2015, estimated carers in Australia lost a total of $72.9 million in wages.