
Middle-Aged Brits are the Unhealthiest in the World

by Kathy Jones on Sep 6 2011 6:53 PM

 Middle-Aged Brits are the Unhealthiest in the World
With the country already struggling with rising rates of obesity, a new survey has found that Britain also has the unhealthiest middle-aged population in the world.
The survey, carried out by private healthcare group Bupa, involved more than 13,000 people, aged between 45 to 54 years, in 12 countries.

The researchers found that middle-aged people in Britain were most prone to depression, biggest smokers and the fattest than any country in the world.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Bupa’s health director, Dr Sneh Khemka said, “We always think of our American colleagues as being the ones who have to worry about obesity and lifestyle issues. But in the 45 to 54 age group we have overtaken them in terms of ill health. It is a real wake-up call.”

