
Available Now: Apps to Motivate You in Your Quest of Getting into Shape

by Kathy Jones on May 30 2011 6:40 PM

 Available Now: Apps to Motivate You in Your Quest of Getting into Shape
You want to achieve that fit body you have been eyeing all year, but you are out of motivation.
Luckily, there are tools available for various smartphones that can help you do just that. Here's the best of the bunch.

The FitnessClass app for iPad offers on-demand classes with endless options, from aerobics to kickboxing, reports Fox News.

It offers 230 fitness classes by PumpOne, personal trainers, and a collection of the world's elite fitness instructors.

Classes can be chosen according to your goals, the amount of time you have to fit in a workout, the type of workout you want or equipment you have, and more.

You can even workout to your own music, and Apple's AirPlay technology lets you play the instructor videos on your own TV.

If you prefer less guidance and prefer to let loose outdoors or on the treadmill, the BeatBurn app, made for runners and walkers alike, can offer you some motivation during your workout.

BeatBurn chooses music from your playlist to match the beat of your feet by using software maker lolo's beat snyc technology. Beat-sync analyzes the tempo of your music and then selects the best songs to fit the intensity of your workout.

