Fruit Waxing

Fruit Waxing - References


  1. Kumar R, Kapur S. Morpholine: A Glazing Agent for Fruits and Vegetables Coating/Waxing. International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering.2016; 2(11): 94-697.
  2. Kumar R. Health effects of morpholine based coating for fruits and vegetables. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences.2016; 5 (9):32-38.
  3. Vargas M. Development of edible coatings for fresh fruits and vegetables: possibilities and limitations. Fresh Produce. 2008; 2(2): 32-40.
  4. Dhall RK. Advances in edible coatings for fresh fruits and vegetables: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2013; 53(5):435-450.
  5. Banks NH, Jason W. COATING TO ENHANCE FRUIT liFE. Proceedings from Conference ’97: Searching for Quality. Joint Meeting of the Australian Avocado Grower’s Federation, Inc. and NZ Avocado Growers Association, Inc., 23-26 September 1997. J. G. Cutting (Ed.). Pages 46-54.
  6. Dávila-Aviña JE, Villa-Rodríguez JA. Effect of edible coatings on bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of tomatoes at different maturity stages. J Food Sci Technol. 2014; 51(10):2706-2712.
  7. Supapvanich S1, Mitrsang P. Effects of fresh Aloe vera gel coating on browning alleviation of fresh cut wax apple (Syzygium samarangenese) fruit cv. Taaptimjaan. J Food Sci Technol. 2016; 53(6):2844-2845.
  8. Postharvest Handling Technical Bulletin. WAXING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Technical Bulletin No. 33 June 2004 - (
  9. Right to know. Hazardous substance fact sheet - (
Author: Melita Fernandes

Editor: Shirley Johanna

Technically Checked by: lingaraj