
Digestive Tract Ulcers - Symptom Evaluation - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I visit in case I suffer from digestive tract ulcers?

You should visit a gastroenterologist in case you suffer from digestive tract ulcers.

2. How are digestive tract ulcers diagnosed?

Ulcers in the upper digestive tract are diagnosed using a procedure called endoscopy. In this procedure, a thin tube with a camera at the end is introduced through the mouth and the inner lining is visualized. A biopsy is also taken in areas of abnormality. Similarly, lower digestive tract ulcers are diagnosed using a tube introduced through the anus. This procedure is called colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, depending on the extent the tube is introduced in the bowels.

3. How is the cause of the digestive tract ulcer diagnosed?

The cause of digestive tract ulcers is often diagnosed based on the history of the patient and associated symptoms. A biopsy obtained during endoscopy or colonoscopy also helps to diagnose the cause. Additional tests may be required in some cases, like arteriography in case of reduced blood supply to the bowel.
